When I was using Arch Linux, I configured my home directory and all subdirectories with all lowercase names like documents
, downloads
, and projects
. After switching to macOS, it bugged me that these directories started with an uppercase letter. There are probably ways to change this but I didn’t want to mess with macOS’ expectation. macOS’ default terminal, now zsh, does not support case-insensitive autocomplete by default. The lack of this feature threw me off when I was navigating around with the cd
I’m embarrassed to admit that I put up with this annoyance for way too long. But guess what? A quick search showed me how incredibly easy it is to add case-insensitive autocomplete with zsh! You don’t even need to install a plugin! Simply add the following lines to your .zshrc
and don’t forget to source it or restart your terminal session:
autoload -Uz compinit && compinit
zstyle ':completion:*' matcher-list 'm:{a-z}={A-Za-z}'
Source: https://superuser.com/a/1092328