
Software and services that improve your workflow and enhance your WordPress site’s functionality.

  • Four WordPress plugins that elegantly extend

    I’ve logged in to countless WordPress admin dashboards. More often than not, the clutter of plugins is overwhelming. With all the notices, top level menu items in random order, dashboard widgets, colours, and unique plugin UIs, it’s a hassle trying to find what I need… Read More

  • Case-insensitive autocomplete with zsh

    When I was using Arch Linux, I configured my home directory and all subdirectories with all lowercase names like documents, downloads, and projects. After switching to macOS, it bugged me that these directories started with an uppercase letter. There are probably ways to change this… Read More

  • Configure GitHub email routing settings

    I like to keep my work life separate from my personal life. But I use the same GitHub account for work and personal projects. By default GitHub sends all notification emails to a single primary email address. This was an issue for me because I… Read More

  • How to push empty Git commits

    There are a few reasons you might want to push an empty Git commit. I mostly use one to trigger a CI/CD rebuild without changing any code. Git prevents you from committing nothing so we need to use the –allow-empty flag. That’s it! Read More